Franco-Irish Literary Festival

These words spoken by Marguerite Yourcenar resonate with a special force as we embark on the twenty-fifth edition of the Franco-Irish Literary Festival.
Since its very beginning, this festival has been a crossroads of languages, cultures and histories, a place where French, English and Irish meet, interact and mutually nourish each other.
This year, around twenty guests – writers, poets, translators, publishers and academics – are honouring us with their presence to celebrate a quarter of a century of exchanges, discoveries and literary emotions, and to strengthen the deep ties that unite France, Ireland and the French-speaking world.
Through a series of panel discussions, readings, performances, workshops, documentaries and encounters on themes such as the family, friendship, poetry, places of memory and rediscovered time, we will be travelling between eras and imaginary worlds, and celebrating the diversity of contemporary literature.
Have a great 25th Franco-Irish Literary Festival!
Admission free. All events are open to the public. First come, first served! To avoid disappointment, we advise people to come early.
Simultaneous interpreting in English and French except for the readings and live performances, which will be in French, English or Irish.
This program is subject to change.
Admission free. All events are open to the public. First come, first served! To avoid disappointment, we advise people to come early.
Simultaneous interpreting in English and French except for the readings and live performances, which will be in French, English or Irish.
This program is subject to change.