AF Fondation

For over a century, the Alliance Française has been seeing through an ambitious project: Spreading French language and culture well beyond the borders of France. A network of associations set up throughout the world have been benefiting from the Alliance’s mark of quality to promote the French language and its values abroad. The remarkable longevity and vitality of our institution is due in part to the strong bonds we have built with the citizens, the sponsors of our host country and with the French State. All of the Alliance’s activities (both linguistic and cultural), as well as its status as a non-profit association account for some of the ingredients of the Alliance’s current success. The Alliances Françaises are apolitical, non-denominational, independent associations regulated by local law and bound by a common purpose to the Fondation des Alliances Françaises.

The Alliance Francaise celebrates its 140th Anniversary this year!
Watch the Alliance(s) Française(s) Documentary on TV5 Monde

Tolérance, solidarité, dialogue, diversité, qualité, engagement, interculturalité, convivialité

The Alliance Française was founded in 1883 in Paris as an “Association nationale pour la propagation de la langue française dans les colonies et à l’étranger” under the aegis of Pierre Foncin and ambassador Paul Cambon. The Paris Alliance was created the following year by a board of directors featuring illustrious names like Jules Verne (writer), Louis Pasteur (chemist and biologist), or Ferdinand de Lesseps (diplomat). La Fondation des Alliances Françaises coordinates a worldwide network of 834 centres